The Friends of KRVM is a registered 501(c)(3) not for profit organization formed to support public radio station KRVM in Eugene. They do so in various ways:
- By providing financial support through fund raising initiatives that include the Friends of KRVM Annual Music Sale and managing a car donation program. Friends of KRVM also receive monetary and stock donations from those who would like to support KRVM, but need to make their donations to a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Friends of KRVM issues a check to KRVM three times per year, once during each of KRVM’s three annual fund drives. They will also provide financial assistance at other times of the year if there is an emergency need for the station.
- By providing volunteer support during fund drives and other radio station events.
- By providing outreach at various events in the community to spread awareness of KRVM and educate about the value and importance of publicly supported, locally controlled and locally produced radio.
The Friends of KRVM is a member of the Oregon Cultural Trust. You can learn more about the benefits of a donation to Friends of KRVM through the Oregon Cultural Trust by visiting their web page here.
To learn more about donating a car, truck or other vehicle, click here.
To help ensure that KRVM’s music and services continue for years, you may want to consider adding Friends of KRVM to your will or trust. A sample bequest for Friends of KRVM can be found here.
The Officers of the Friends of KRVM Board of Directors are:
President: Paul Schwartzberg
Treasurer: Tracy-Jo Mishley
Secretary: Don Brockman
The remaining members of the Friends of KRVM Board are:
Megan Sondheim
Mike Franklin
Kathy Calise
Chris Calise
To contact any of the above officers or board members or to inquire about making a donation or other contribution, email @. or use the contact form below:
Friends of KRVM Tax ID#: 81-0630358